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The Yuba Local Agency Formation Commission (LAFCO) is comprised of five full members and three alternate members.  Of the five full members, two are members of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors, one is a member of the City Council or Mayor of the City of Marysville, one is a member of the City Council or Mayor of the City of Wheatland, and one is a member of the public selected by the other four full LAFCO members. The Alternate County Member is also a member of the Yuba County Board of Supervisors. The Alternate City Member is selected by the Cities of Marysville and Wheatland. The Alternate Public Member is selected by the other members of the Commission. The term of office of each Commissioner is four years and until the appointment and qualification of his or her successor.


Kuldip Atwal - Public Member 
​Brad Hudson - City Member - Chair
Seth Fuhrer - County Member
Andy Vasquez - County Member 
Rick West - City Member -  Vice Chair

Alternate Commissioners:

Angela Teter - City Alternate
​Jon Messick - County Alternate
Dennis Pinney - Public Alternate